Why uninterruptible power UPS is important in data protection

To maintain 100% effectiveness in data protection, one must strive to backup all generated work files, continuously, and without fail.

The following explains these points:

  1. Scope – Accurately and completely cover the data region that needs to be protected for each office computer.
  2. Frequency – Frequency defines how often changed work files are backed up. If employees update their file on a daily basis but if backup is only done on a weekly basis, then you have lost 4-6 versions of the changed versions. But if you backup daily or better yet, continuously, you are likely to capture every version of the changed file.
  3. Endurance –Completing the protection every time without fail is important. In other words, the rigor to start the backup without fail, and after starting, to make sure the process completes. Only then, the ability to recover will be guaranteed.

If these 3 areas are handled correctly, the company will be able to recover any desired files for the employee. All 3 requirements are functions and capabilities of the software. #3 also requires that power to all equipment be not lost during the process.

SMARTOffice products’ AlwaysOn Technology is a server integrated Uninterruptible Power UPS designed to save our customer time and money. All SMARTOffice products come standard with AlwaysOn Technology. It works with the system software to keep SMARTOffice units working for up to 5 hours so that all system functions can be completed even during power loss.

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