There are 3 main areas of concern in building office computer systems.
1. how to expand storage capacity of your system when the hard disk becomes full.
2. how to save a copy of all your company data files off-site in case of natural disaster in the office.
3. how to set up a redundant system to insure un-interrupted operation.
SMART Office was designed from the ground up, and takes care of the three areas of concern by incorporating into our product, the unique “Storage Virtualization” feature developed by Redvue System. Storage Virtualizaton treats each SMART Office product as a scalable building block. Users can assign the role of each SMART Office building block and to tailor a system as simple or as complex as his business needs, all at a mouse click. No other commercial products have this capability today.
Windows based systems, on the other hand, have not solve those 3 areas of concern, and need significant technical expertise and skill to deal with those issues, thus leaving Small Businesses, usually without the budget and IT expertise, without a viable solution.